Louise profileI graduated from University with an MA in medieval studies, only to realise that it was the love of writing essays and dissertations that got me through my studies, not the love of the subject itself! I knew then that writing and words, in some form, would be my life’s work.

I was lucky enough to work as an editorial assistant at The Leadership Trust for 3 years, which not only increased my love of the written word but also gave me some valuable insights into business and leadership. I liaised with important leaders and business people on a day-to-day basis and learned many of the fundamental concepts of leadership.

It was while I was working at The Leadership Trust (over 10 years ago) that I realised I was better suited to working on a freelance basis. And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since, as a proofreader, a copy editor and a writer of magazine articles.

However, for the last few years I’ve made a natural progression into blogging and copywriting. I now write blogs, website content and feature articles for interiors companies, manufacturing companies, health services, comparison website companies, dentists and many, many more.

If you think I can help you create the right words to sell your product or service, please do get in touch at lou@wordbirdy.com